.. py:currentmodule:: ixion Sheet ===== .. class:: ixion.Sheet() Class :class:`~ixion.Sheet` represents a single sheet that stores cells in a 2-dimensional grid address space. Rows and columns are used to specify a position in the grid, and both rows and columns are 0-based, with the top-left-most cell having the address of row 0 and column 0. .. attribute:: Sheet.name A string representing the name of the sheet object. This is a read-only attribute. .. method:: Sheet.set_numeric_cell(row, column, value) Set a numeric *value* to a cell at specified *row* and *column* position. :param int row: row position. :param int column: column position. :param float value: numeric value to set to the specified position. .. method:: Sheet.set_string_cell(row, column, value) Set a string *value* to a cell at specified *row* and *column* position. :param int row: row position. :param int column: column position. :param str value: string value to set to the specified position. .. method:: Sheet.set_formula_cell(row, column, value) Set a formula expression (*value*) to a cell at specified *row* and *column* position. :param int row: row position. :param int column: column position. :param str value: formula expression to set to the specified position. .. method:: Sheet.get_numeric_value(row, column) Get a numeric value representing the content of a cell at specified *row* and *column* position. If the cell is of numeric type, its value is returned. If it's a formula cell, the result of the calculated formula result is returned if the result is of numeric type. :param int row: row position. :param int column: column position. :rtype: float :return: numeric value of the cell at specified position. .. method:: Sheet.get_string_value(row, column) Get a string value representing the content of a cell at specified *row* and *column* position. If the cell is of string type, its value is returned as-is. If it's a formula cell, the result of the calculated formula result is returned if the result is of string type. :param int row: row position. :param int column: column position. :rtype: str :return: string value of the cell at specified position. .. method:: Sheet.get_formula_expression(row, column) Given a formula cell at specified *row* and *column* position, get the formula expression stored in that cell. :param int row: row position. :param int column: column position. :rtype: str :return: formula expression stored in the cell at specified position. .. method:: Sheet.erase_cell(row, column) Erase the cell at specified *row* and *column* position. The slot at the specified position becomes empty afterward. :param int row: row position. :param int column: column position.