Python API

Spreadsheet Document

class orcus.Document

An instance of this class represents a document model. A document consists of multiple sheet objects.


Read-only attribute that stores a tuple of Sheet instance objects.

class orcus.Sheet

An instance of this class represents a single sheet inside a document.


This function returns a row iterator object that allows you to iterate through rows in the data region.

Return type:SheetRows
Returns:row iterator object.


rows = sheet.get_rows()

for row in rows:
    print(row)  # tuple of cell values

Read-only attribute that stores the name of the sheet.


Read-only dictionary object that stores the column and row sizes of the sheet with the column and row keys, respectively.


Read-only dictionary object that stores the column and row sizes of the data region of the sheet with the column and row keys, respectively. The data region is the smallest possible range that includes all non-empty cells in the sheet. The top-left corner of the data region is always at the top-left corner of the sheet.

class orcus.SheetRows

An instance of this class represents an iterator for rows inside a sheet.

File Loader


Read an Excel file from a specified file path and create a orcus.Document instance object. The file must be of Excel 2007 XML format.

Parameters:filepath – file path.
Return type:orcus.Document
Returns:document instance object that stores the content of the file.


from orcus import xlsx

doc = xlsx.read_file("/path/to/file.xlsx")