Current on-going work

Here is a rough summary of the current status of my pending OO.o work (besides the data pilot work I’ve been doing).


I usually prefer sending patches when the changes are narrowly focused, or otherwise too small to warrant creating a full CWS. The following are the patches I have sent upstream and still pending for integration.

  • i79808 – This patch suppresses displaying of data validation input message when the message string is empty. So far I have not received any response from upstream. The main motivation of this patch is to improve Excel compatibility, by emulating Excel’s behavior on data validation. Besides it makes no sense to display an empty input message box when there is no message to show (IMHO)!
  • i80448 – This patch allows Excel style hyperlink format to be used in addition to Calc’s own hyperlink format. It’s targeted for 2.4 inclusion (thanks Eike!).
  • i80981 – This patch considerably speeds up loading of a spreadsheet document (Calc or Excel) containing a large number of built-in SEARCH function instances. With my test document, the load time without this patch was roughly 40 seconds, but this patch reduces that down to a few seconds. It’s targeted for 2.4 inclusion (again, thanks to Eike).
  • i81154 – This patch renames the sheet name in hyperlink when importing an Excel document, the same way Calc renames sheet names when they contain a special character that Calc cannot handle. Without this patch, the sheet name within a hyperlink would be left unmodified, thus following that hyperlink would fail when the name of the destination sheet contains a special character. It’s targeted for 2.4 inclusion (hooray Daniel!).

I think these are all I can think of at the moment. There may have been more, but they are probably either already integrated, need more work, block on ODF file format change, or something along those lines.


When the required code change grows to a certain size, I typically create a CWS to make the upstreaming process less painful for the Hamburg folks since reviewing a patch is not an easy task when the size of the patch is big. These are the CWS’es that I have created that are still pending for integration.

  • celltrans02 (completed, pending QA) – Localize the keywords used in the built-in CELL and INFO functions for Hungarian locale. This is for Excel compatibility since Excel localizes said keywords for who knows why. The keywords are already localized for French locale, and that work is already integrated via celltrans01 CWS.
  • autofilter01 (work in progress) – This work is an attempt to add a new multi-selection filter type similar to Microsoft Excel 2007. The internal data structure change is complete, the ODF file format change has been proposed and approved, and the ODF filter code change has been completed so that the new filter is now loaded and saved properly. Work in adding a new autofilter drop-down box for this feature is still in progress.
  • scsheetprotection01 (work in progress) – This work will add sheet protection options so that the user can place some constraints when protecting a sheet. So far, loading the sheet protection options from and saving them to a binary Excel file is complete, and the code change to prohibit selection of protected and/or unprotected cells is complete. What remains to be done is to add a new dialog to allow specifying desired sheet protection options. This effort is primarily for Excel compatibility, but I’m sure some users will appreciate this. :-)

All of these listed efforts are for the most part inspired by our customer requests as well as requests from the community. One exception is the autofilter extension to add a multi-selection filter, since that one is my own pet peeve. And of course, all of this work will all be contributed to the upstream branch under JCA.

Drilling down data in Data Pilot

Ok. Here is the feature I’ve been working on while I was in Barcelona, and I think it’s got to a point where I can show some progress to the world.

This feature is about supporting a drill-down of a data field cell in Calc’s Data Pilot feature. Excel already has an equivalent feature in its Pivot Table functionality, and what I’m doing initially came out of a request from current and former Excel users who rely on that feature.

Here is what this feature does. Let’s say you have a data pilot box somewhere in your Calc document like the one below.

data pilot view

You then decide to double-click on one cell within the data field to see the original data rows that comprise that cell. Calc then inserts a new sheet, containing the appropriate subset of the original data table (see below).

drill down data on new sheet

At this point, it works pretty reliably for me, but that’s not to say that it’s ready to be integrated into the main branch. There are still a few things to take care of.

  • The drill down sheet is not decorated with auto formatting. Excel formats the drill down sheet nicely, but currently it’s not implemented. But I have to wonder whether that is really essential (I think not).
  • Currently this feature works only on internal data source i.e. data source within the same document. But Calc’s Data Pilot supports two other data source backends (registered database and data pilot UNO component), and I need to add support for them too.

Once that is done, I’ll be happy to see this piece integrated upstream (under JCA, of course), since this feature is also requested in Issue 57030. While I’m in the data pilot code, it may be a good idea to review other data pilot related issues (if there is any) and tackle them at the same time. If you know of any hot data pilot related issues, please let me know.

Back from OOoCon 2007

I just came back from OOoCon 2007. It’s great to see those folks whom I had only interacted with on mailing lists and IRCs. And I have to say talking face-to-face is way, way, way different from talking with text only. I was particularly delighted to finally meet with Niklas Nebel of the Calc team. We’d been interacting in various places for ages, but had never met in person. Now we have. :-) It was a real shame to not see Eike Rathke and Daniel Rentz, but I’m sure we’ll have our chance some day.

Also pleased to meet and chat with Ricardo Cruz (IRC nick: blacksheep), who is a Google Summer of Code student working on VCL layout support mentored by Michael Meeks. It was such a joy to talk with him on various topics. His demo on VCL dialog resizing was mind-blowing!

I was pleasantly surprised to see the Mac port team (led by Eric Bachard et. al.) using the src-to-xml converter that I wrote during Novell’s Hack Week (which they referred to as the “Novell parser” during their talk). Glad to know it’s being useful to you all.

Of course, it’s always great to see my fellow Novell hackers, whom I don’t see on a daily basis because of our geographical constraint. The trip to the beach in Saturday afternoon, with Florian, Noel and Hubert was particularly fun. Water in the Mediterranean Sea was very cold, and the wines were fantastic. BTW, I’m always amazed by Fridrich’s language skill: you speak how many languages in total!? So far I’ve seen him speak in Czech, German, Catalan, French, and English.

Aside from meeting with various people, I was also able to hack during my stay in Barcelona on one data pilot feature I’d been working on. The hack continued from my flight to Barcelona, back from Barcelona, and I was finally able to make my cut while being stranded at the Philadelphia airport because of my flight delay. Isn’t modern technology great? You can be stranded at an airport and still being able to hack. :-)

Some pictures from the conference:

Mingling at breakfast on 1st day
Mingling at breakfast on 1st day

(from left) Back of Tor, Fong Lin, Michael, and Hubert (front)
(from left) Back of Tor, Fong Lin, Michael, and Hubert (front)

(from left) Michael, Noel, and Tor
(from left) Michael, Noel, and Tor

Eric Bachard giving talk on native Mac OS X port
Eric Bachard giving talk on native Mac OS X port

Petr Mladek talking about splitting OO.o source code into pieces
Petr talking about splitting OO.o source code into pieces

Kendy (Jan Holesovsky) on git
Kendy (Jan Holesovsky) on git (there is Jon’s follow-up to this talk).

Fong Lin and Tor posing for photo
Fong Lin and Tor posing for photo

I’ve uploaded all of my photos here.

Missing vcl resource

At one point in the past, I started getting this annoying error message dialog

VCL resource warning dialog on startup

on startup, and OO.o simply shuts itself down after that. It happened whenever I installed the trunk version of ooo-build with ooinstall (with an -l option for linking), or the upstream build with linkoo. These two commands are two, totally separate scripts, but they both create symbolic links to the shared libraries and resources in the installation directory, to their respective location in the build (actually ooinstall makes use of linkoo for the -l functionality). This setting allows a fast iteration of code change, compilation and testing without having to manually swap the shared libraries each time they get modified in the build. But because of this problem I was not able to use linkoo with the upstream build, or ooinstall -l with the trunk ooo-build, and was forced to manually set symlink to the modules I was working on. (Somehow, the 2.2 and 2.1 branches of ooo-build didn’t have this problem.)

But today, after not having been able to use an automatically symlinked installation for a long, long time, I got tired of it and decided to jump into the code, to see what causes this problem.

After a little tracing of the code, I finally found the offending code block (tools/source/rc/resmgr.cxx#244):

void ResMgrContainer::init()
    // get resource path
    std::list< OUString > aDirs;
    sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
    // 1. relative to current module (<installation>/program/resource)
    OUString libraryFileUrl;
    if( Module::getUrlFromAddress(
            reinterpret_cast< oslGenericFunction >(ResMgrContainer::release),
            libraryFileUrl) )
        nIndex = libraryFileUrl.lastIndexOf( '/' );
    DBG_ASSERT( nIndex > 0, "module resolution failed" );
    if( nIndex > 0 )
        OUStringBuffer aBuf( libraryFileUrl.getLength() + 16 );
        aBuf.append( libraryFileUrl.getStr(), nIndex+1 ); // copy inclusive '/'
        aBuf.appendAscii( "resource" );
        aDirs.push_back( aBuf.makeStringAndClear() );

Here is what the code does. It tries to locate all of the resources (.res) files and put their locations into an internal data structure. To do it, it needs to know where to find the resource files. It cleverly determines the resource file directory by first getting the absolute path of the module where the code resides (, and move down to the resource file directory from that location. In the normal installation, the modules are located in the [installation root]/program/, and the resources directory is only one level down.

However, when the shared library in question is a symbolic link (symlink) to another file, the code ends up getting the path of the actual file the symlink points to, instead of the path of that symlink (via dladdr call), and this causes the above problem.

There is an easy workaround. Since it’s only the shared library where the ResMgrContainer class is (which is as mentioned) needs to be the actual file, you can simply delete the symlink that points to, and put the original file in its place. Then OO.o launches just fine. You can leave all the other symlinked shared libraries alone. The only problem with this workaround is, if you want to hack at the tools code, you would need to manually swap the shared library on each module re-build, but for me, that’s not a major problem (I don’t hack at the tools code).

Hack Week: .src converter to convert ~700 .src files

So, after some discussion with Ricardo, I have decided to take on the task of writing a converter script to convert ~700 .src files into xml files, which will be used as a starting point for re-designing each and every dialog for the new dialog layout engine. I was initially thinking about working on the dialog editor, but sounds like Ricardo has it under control. So better not mess with that. :-)

When writing a converter script, it of course involves parsing a source file in order to generate output. Typically there are two ways to go about this.

  1. Parse the source file partially for just the information you need using a flat search, and ignore the rest, or
  2. Parse the source file fully according to the syntax of the language, using a lexer-parser pattern.

The advantage of the first method is simplicity; it’s pretty easy to set up a simple regexp-based parser and start parsing. The disadvantage of it is that, once the parsing need grows, as you need to pick up more and more information, the parser code becomes complex with full of special case handling, and eventually requires a total re-write. Good luck with extending such code as the need grows even further.

The second method, while it takes a little upfront effort, is extensible once the framework is set up, and the code usually becomes better structured with only a minimum special case handling if designed correctly. This method is also well-suited for parsing a token-based language, where whitespace and linebreak characters are only for syntactic sugar and does not affect its semantics. For example, C/C++ and Java are token-based, while Python is not. Since the syntax of the src files is very similar to that of C, I’ve decided to use the second method for this task.

I spent yesterday and today writing this converter script from scratch (in Python), and I’ve come to a point where it parses a large number of src files and correctly generate their xml output files. Here is one example case.

The source file:

 * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
 *  $RCSfile: crnrdlg.src,v $
 *  $Revision: 1.44 $
 *  last change: $Author: ihi $ $Date: 2007/04/19 16:36:48 $
 *  The Contents of this file are made available subject to
 *  the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
 *    GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
 *    =============================================
 *    Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *    901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
 *    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *    License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
 *    MA  02111-1307  USA
#include "crnrdlg.hrc"
    OutputSize = TRUE ;
    Hide = TRUE ;
    SVLook = TRUE ;
    Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 256 , 181 ) ;
    Moveable = TRUE ;
     // Closeable = TRUE;   // Dieser Dialog hat einen Cancel-Button !
    FixedLine FL_ASSIGN
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 188 , 8 ) ;
        Text [ en-US ] = "Range" ;
    ListBox LB_RANGE
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 14 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 179 , 85 ) ;
        TabStop = TRUE ;
        VScroll = TRUE ;
        Border = TRUE ;
    Edit ED_AREA
        Border = TRUE ;
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 105 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 165 , 12 ) ;
        TabStop = TRUE ;
    ImageButton RB_AREA
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 179 , 104 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 13 , 15 ) ;
        TabStop = FALSE ;
        QuickHelpText [ en-US ] = "Shrink" ;
    RadioButton BTN_COLHEAD
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 20 , 121 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 171 , 10 ) ;
        TabStop = TRUE ;
        Text [ en-US ] = "Contains ~column labels" ;
    RadioButton BTN_ROWHEAD
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 20 , 135 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 171 , 10 ) ;
        TabStop = TRUE ;
        Text [ en-US ] = "Contains ~row labels" ;
    FixedText FT_DATA_LABEL
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 151 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 179 , 8 ) ;
        Text [ en-US ] = "For ~data range" ;
    Edit ED_DATA
        Border = TRUE ;
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 162 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 165 , 12 ) ;
        TabStop = TRUE ;
    ImageButton RB_DATA
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 179 , 161 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 13 , 15 ) ;
        TabStop = FALSE ;
        QuickHelpText [ en-US ] = "Shrink" ;
    OKButton BTN_OK
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 200 , 6 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ;
        TabStop = TRUE ;
    CancelButton BTN_CANCEL
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 200 , 23 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ;
        TabStop = TRUE ;
    PushButton BTN_ADD
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 200 , 104 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ;
        Text [ en-US ] = "~Add" ;
        TabStop = TRUE ;
        DefButton = TRUE ;
    PushButton BTN_REMOVE
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 200 , 122 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ;
        Text [ en-US ] = "~Delete" ;
        TabStop = TRUE ;
    HelpButton BTN_HELP
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 200 , 43 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ;
        TabStop = TRUE ;
    Text [ en-US ] = "Define Label Range" ;

and here is the output after the conversion:

<modeless-dialog height="181" help-id="HID_COLROWNAMERANGES" hide="true" moveable="true" output-size="true" sv-look="true" text="Define Label Range" width="256" xmlns="" xmlns:cnt="">
        <fixed-line id="FL_ASSIGN" height="8" text="Range" width="188" x="6" y="3"/>
        <ok-button id="BTN_OK" height="14" tab-stop="true" width="50" x="200" y="6"/>
        <list-box id="LB_RANGE" border="true" height="85" tab-stop="true" vscroll="true" width="179" x="12" y="14"/>
        <cancel-button id="BTN_CANCEL" height="14" tab-stop="true" width="50" x="200" y="23"/>
        <help-button id="BTN_HELP" height="14" tab-stop="true" width="50" x="200" y="43"/>
            <image-button id="RB_AREA" height="15" quick-help-text="Shrink" tab-stop="false" width="13" x="179" y="104"/>
            <push-button id="BTN_ADD" def-button="true" height="14" tab-stop="true" text="~Add" width="50" x="200" y="104"/>
        <edit id="ED_AREA" border="true" height="12" tab-stop="true" width="165" x="12" y="105"/>
        <radio-button id="BTN_COLHEAD" height="10" tab-stop="true" text="Contains ~column labels" width="171" x="20" y="121"/>
        <push-button id="BTN_REMOVE" height="14" tab-stop="true" text="~Delete" width="50" x="200" y="122"/>
        <radio-button id="BTN_ROWHEAD" height="10" tab-stop="true" text="Contains ~row labels" width="171" x="20" y="135"/>
        <fixed-text id="FT_DATA_LABEL" height="8" text="For ~data range" width="179" x="12" y="151"/>
        <image-button id="RB_DATA" height="15" quick-help-text="Shrink" tab-stop="false" width="13" x="179" y="161"/>
        <edit id="ED_DATA" border="true" height="12" tab-stop="true" width="165" x="12" y="162"/>

These are the steps I take to convert each file. First, the source file is read character-by-character to get tokenized by the lexer class, and this is where the comments (both multi-line and single line) get stripped out and the preprocessing macros are defined. The tokens are then passed to the parser class to build a syntax tree (preprocessor macros are expanded here), which is then converted into an intermediate XML tree with names translated and some attribute types converted properly, such as the position and the size, which are originally given as MAP_APPFONT( a, b ) format. Also, some unnecessary information is discarded at this stage.

Once that’s done, it further translates the intermediate XML tree into another XML tree that has layout elements. The X and Y positions of each widget are used in order to layout the widgets properly by wrapping them with <vbox> and <hbox> elements as needed. The tree is then dumped into a stream of text, which is what you see above.

Unfortunately this task is not done yet. As it turns out, some src files even require inclusion of header files in order to be parsed correctly, which means I need to honor those #include "foo.hrc" header include directives. Right now, they are ignored. On top of that, there may also be cases where the #ifdef directives might need to be interpreted correctly, but so far ignoring them has not caused any side-effect.

I’m sure there are other problems I’ll encounter as I parse more src files, but I’d say the end is near. :-)

Hack Week: Helping make OO.o’s dialog resizable

So, this is day one for Novell’s Hack Week. This week, we, Novell hackers, are allowed to work on whatever project we like. And I chose to work on making VCL dialog resizable.

Michael Meeks already did the ground work, and all I’m trying to do is to do what I can in one week to expand on his work. This is also one of on-going GSoC tasks, so I’m also co-ordinating with the student who’s been assigned to work on this (his name is Ricardo Cruz) so that we won’t step on each other’s toes.

Here is what I did today. I added a wrapper code for a list box control so that I can actually use it in my resizable dialog and add items to it. Let’s show some screenshots here.

OO.o resizable dialog demo (small)

OO.o resizable dialog demo (large)

I posted two shots of the same, but differently-sized dialog just to show that it’s resizable. Pretty cool, huh? :-)

Oh, BTW, since I’m away from my normal business this week, I won’t be working on the OOXML filter. I’ll be back on my regular schedule on next Monday.

Importing Excel 2007 files

The Excel 2007 filter for Calc is still on its way, but perhaps now is a good time to show the progress of this new Excel 2007 import filter work by Daniel Rentz and myself.

Here is a screenshot of a file created by Excel 2007 (left), and one for the same file opened in Calc (right).

Excel 2007 screenshot Excel 2007 file opened in Calc

There are still a lot to be done, however. Formula import is still to be completed, which blocks other features that rely on the formula parser. Charts, text boxes, and other graphic objects are still not imported yet. There is also a performance issue of a large xlsx file import, which needs to be addressed at some point.

But all in all, things are coming along very nicely.

Extending Calc’s autofilter

As I work on implementing the OOXML import filter for Calc, I notice quite a few features that are in Excel 2007 but are not in Calc. While not all of them deserve special attention, one particular feature has caught my eye, which is the ability to filter rows based on a set of multiple string values instead of just one.

To see the benefit of this feature, let’s take a look at the current autofilter implementation in Calc as of OO.o 2.1.

Current autofilter implementation (2.1)

As you can see, if you want to filter by the cell content, you can only specify one value. If you want to specify “show either Bruce or David”, you will have to use the Standard filter and use this regular expression ^(Bruce|David)$ to accomplish the effect. Alternatively, if the filtering criteria involves only one column field, you could use two filter conditions, each one specifying textual equality to one text value, and connect them with OR, but this still will not work if more than one fields are involved because Calc doesn’t allow nested AND/OR’s between filter conditions.

Excel 2007 does this quite nicely. It allows a user to specify multiple text values in a single filtering criteria by presenting a list of check boxes like this:

Multi-string autofilter in Excel 2007

This allows a user to quickly filter his/her data, without resorting to something more complex, like regular expressions.

I believe our OO.o users will benefit enormously if we implement something similar in Calc, and I’ve already started some work toward implementing this. But to implement this feature in Calc requires a change in the ODF file format specification. The ODF spec, as of version 1.1, does not allow a clean storage of multiple text values in a single filter condition. An effort is on-going, however, to change the ODF spec in order to accommodate this feature, so there is hope.

How to (pretend to) write an export filter

It turns out that pretending to write an export filter, at least adding a new entry to the Export dialog, is quite easy. In fact, you don’t even have to write a single line of code. Here is what to do.

Suppose you do your own build, and you have installed the OO.o that you have built. Now, go back to your build tree, and change directory into the following location


and add the following two new files relative to this location:


You can name your files anyway you want, of course. ;-) Anyway, put the following XML fragments into these files:

<!-- calc_Kohei_SDF_Filter.xcu -->
<node oor:name="calc_Kohei_SDF_Filter" oor:op="replace">
  <prop oor:name="Flags"><value>EXPORT ALIEN 3RDPARTYFILTER</value></prop>
  <prop oor:name="UIComponent"/>
  <prop oor:name="FilterService"><value></value></prop>
  <prop oor:name="UserData"/>
  <prop oor:name="FileFormatVersion"/>
  <prop oor:name="Type"><value>Kohei_SDF</value></prop>
  <prop oor:name="TemplateName"/>
  <prop oor:name="DocumentService"><value></value></prop>
<!-- calc_Kohei_SDF_Filter_ui.xcu -->
<node oor:name="calc_Kohei_SDF_Filter">
  <prop oor:name="UIName"><value xml:lang="x-default">Kohei Super Duper File Format</value>
    <value xml:lang="en-US">Kohei Super Duper File Format</value>
    <value xml:lang="de">Kohei Super Duper File Format</value>

Likewise, create another file:


with the following content

<!-- Kohei_SDF.xcu -->
<node oor:name="Kohei_SDF" oor:op="replace" >
  <prop oor:name="DetectService"/>
  <prop oor:name="URLPattern"/>
  <prop oor:name="Extensions"><value>koheisdf</value></prop>
  <prop oor:name="MediaType"/>
  <prop oor:name="Preferred"><value>false</value></prop>
  <prop oor:name="PreferredFilter"><value>calc_Kohei_SDF_Filter</value></prop>
  <prop oor:name="UIName"><value xml:lang="x-default">Kohei Super Duper File Format</value></prop>
  <prop oor:name="ClipboardFormat"><value>doctype:Workbook</value></prop>

Once these new files are in place, add these files to so that the build process can find them. To add, open and add Kohei_SDF to the end of T4_CALC, calc_Kohei_SDF_Filter to F4_CALC, and calc_Kohei_SDF_Filter_ui to F4_UI_CALC. Save the file and rebuild the module. This should rebuild the following configuration files (build done on Linux):


One note: the language pack zip package should contain the file named Filter.xcu with the new UI string you just put in. If you don’t see that, remove the whole directory and build the module again.

Now it’s time to update your installation. You need to update the following files:


with the new ones you just rebuilt. Next, unpack the langpack zip file and extract Filter.xcu. Place this file in


to replace the old one.

Ok so far? There is one more thing you need to do to complete the process. Since these configuration files are cached, in order for the updated configuration files to take effect, the cached data must be removed. The cached data is in the user configuration directory, so you need to locate and delete the following directory:

rm -rf <user_config_dir>/user/registry/cache

That’s it! Now, fire up Calc and launch the Export dialog. You see the new file format entry you just put in. :-)

Export dialog with new export filter entry

Just try not to export your file using this new filter for real, because that will utterly fail. ;-)