Benchmark results on mdds multi_type_vector

In this post, I’m going to share the results of some benchmark testing I have done on multi_type_vector, which is included in the mdds library. The benchmark was done to measure the impact of the change I made recently to improve the performance on block searches, which will affect a major part of its functionality.


One of the data structures included in mdds, called multi_type_vector, stores values of different types in a single logical vector. LibreOffice Calc is one primary user of this. Calc uses this structure as its cell value store, and each instance of this value store represents a single column instance.

Internally, multi_type_vector creates multiple element blocks which are in turn stored in its parent array (primary array) as block structures. This primary array maps a logical position of a value to the actual block structure that stores it. Up to version 1.5.0, this mapping process involved a linear search that always starts from the first block of the primary array. This was because each block structure, though it stores the size of the element block, does not store its logical position. So the only way to find the right element block that intersects the logical position of a value is to scan from the first block and keep accumulating the sizes of the encountered blocks. The following diagram depicts the structure of multi_type_vector’s internal store as of 1.5.0:

The reason for not storing the logical positions of the blocks was to avoid having to update them after shifting the blocks after value insertion, which is quite common when editing spreadsheet documents.

Of course, sometimes one has to perform repeated searches to access a number of element values across a number of element blocks, in which case, always starting the search from the first block, or block 0, in every single search can be prohibitively expensive, especially when the vector is heavily fragmented.

To alleviate this, multi_type_vector provides the concept of position hints, which allows the caller to start the search from block N where N > 0. Most of multi_type_vector’s methods return a position hint which can be used for the next search operation. A position hint object stores the last position of the block that was either accessed or modified by the call. This allows the caller to chain all necessary search operations in such a way to scan the primary array no more than once for the entire sequence of search operations. It was largely inspired by std::map’s insert method which provides a very similar mechanism. The only prerequisite is that access to the elements occur in perfect ascending order. For the most part, this approach worked quite well.

The downside of this is that there are times you need to access multiple element positions and you cannot always arrange your access pattern to take advantage of the position hints. This is the case especially during multi-threaded formula cell execution routine, which Calc introduced some versions ago. This has motivated us to switch to an alternative lookup algorithm, and binary search was the obvious replacement.

Binary search

Binary search is an algorithm well suited to find a target value in an array where the values are stored in sorted order. Compared to linear search, binary search performs much faster except for very small arrays. People often confuse this with binary search tree, but binary search as an algorithm does not limit its applicability to just tree structure; it can be used on arrays as well, as long as the stored values are sorted.

While it’s not very hard to implement binary search manually, the C++ standard library already provides several binary search implementations such as std::lower_bound and std::upper_bound.

Switch from linear search to binary search

The challenge for switching from linear search to binary search was to refactor multi_type_vector’s implementation to store the logical positions of the element blocks and update them real-time, as the vector gets modified. The good news is that, as of this writing, all necessary changes have been done, and the current master branch fully implements binary-search-based block position lookup in all of its operations.


To get a better idea on how this change will affect the performance profile of multi_type_vector, I ran some benchmarks, using both mdds version 1.5.0 – the latest stable release that still uses linear search, and mdds version 1.5.99 – the current development branch which will eventually become the stable 1.6.0 release. The benchmark tested the following three scenarios:

  1. set() that modifies the block layout of the primary array. This test sets a new value to an empty vector at positions that monotonically increase by 2, until it reaches the end of the vector.
  2. set() that updates the value of the last logical element of the vector. The update happens without modifying the block layout of the primary array. Like the first test, this one also measures the performance of the block position lookup, but since the block count does not change, it is expected that the block position lookup comprises the bulk of its operation.
  3. insert() that inserts a new element block at the logical mid-point of the vector and shifts all the elements that occur below the point of insertion. The primary array of the vector is made to be already heavily fragmented prior to the insertion. This test involves both block position lookup as well as shifting of the element blocks. Since the new multi_type_vector implementation will update the positions of element blocks whose logical positions have changed, this test is designed to measure the cost of this extra operation that was previously not performed as in 1.5.0.

In each of these scenarios, the code executed the target method N number of times where N was specified to be 10,000, 50,000, or 100,000. Each test was run twice, once with position hints and once without them. Each individual run was then repeated five times and the average duration was computed. In this post, I will only include the results for N = 100,000 in the interest of space.

All binaries used in this benchmark were built with a release configuration i.e. on Linux, gcc with -O3 -DNDEBUG flags was used to build the binaries, and on Windows, MSVC (Visual Studio 2017) with /MD /O2 /Ob2 /DNDEBUG flags was used.

All of the source code used in this benchmark is available in the mdds perf-test repository hosted on GitLab.

The benchmarks were performed on machines running either Linux (Ubuntu LTS 1804) or Windows with a variety of CPU’s with varying number of native threads. The following table summarizes all test environments used in this benchmark:

It is very important to note that, because of the disparity in OS environments, compilers and compiler flags, one should NOT compare the absolute values of the timing data to draw any conclusions about CPU’s relative performance with each other.


Scenario 1: set value at monotonically increasing positions

This scenario tests a set of operations that consists of first seeking the position of a block that intersects with the logical position, then setting a new value to that block which causes that block to split and a new value block inserted at the point of split. The test repeats this process 100,000 times, and in each iteration the block search distance progressively increases as the total number of blocks increases. In Calc’s context, scenarios like this are very common especially during file load.

Without further ado, here are the results:

You can easily see that the binary search (1.5.99) achieves nearly the same performance as the linear search with position hints in 1.5.0. Although not very visible in these figures due to the scale of the y-axes, position hints are still beneficial and do provide small but consistent timing reduction in 1.5.99.

Scenario 2: set at last position

The nature of what this scenario tests is very similar to that of the previous scenario, but the cost of the block position lookup is much more emphasized while the cost of the block creation is eliminated. Although the average durations in 1.5.0 without position hints are consistently higher than their equivalent values from the previous scenario across all environments, the overall trends do remain similar.

Scenario 3: insert and shift

This last scenario was included primarily to test the cost of updating the stored block positions after the blocks get shifted, as well as to quantify how much increase this overhead would cause relative to 1.5.0. In terms of Calc use case, this operation roughly corresponds with inserting new rows and shifting of existing non-empty rows downward after the insertion.

Without further ado, here are the results:

These results do indicate that, when compared to the average performance of 1.5.0 with position hints, the same operation can be 4 to 6 times more expensive in 1.5.99. Without position hints, the new implementation is more expensive to a much lesser degree. Since the scenario tested herein is largely bottlenecked by the block position updates, use of position hints seems to only provide marginal benefit.

Adding parallelism

Faced with this dilemma of increased overhead, I did some research to see if there is a way to reduce the overhead. The suspect code in question is in fact a very simple loop, and all its does is to add a constant value to a known number of blocks:

void multi_type_vector<_CellBlockFunc, _EventFunc>::adjust_block_positions(size_type block_index, size_type delta)
    size_type n = m_blocks.size();
    if (block_index >= n)
    for (; block_index < n; ++block_index)
        m_blocks[block_index].m_position += delta;

Since the individual block positions can be updated entirely independent of each other, I decided it would be worthwhile to experiment with the following two types of parallelization techniques. One is loop unrolling, the other is OpenMP. I found these two techniques attractive for this particular case, for they both require very minimal code change.

Adding support for OpenMP was rather easy, since all one has to do is to add a #pragma line immediately above the loop you intend to parallelize, and add an appropriate OpenMP flag to the compiler when building the code.

Adding support for loop unrolling took a little fiddling around, but eventually I was able to make the necessary change without breaking any existing unit test cases. After some quick experimentation, I settled with updating 8 elements per iteration.

After these changes were done, the above original code turned into this:

void multi_type_vector<_CellBlockFunc, _EventFunc>::adjust_block_positions(int64_t start_block_index, size_type delta)
    int64_t n = m_blocks.size();
    if (start_block_index >= n)
    // Ensure that the section length is divisible by 8.
    int64_t len = n - start_block_index;
    int64_t rem = len % 8;
    len -= rem;
    len += start_block_index;
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for (int64_t i = start_block_index; i < len; i += 8)
        m_blocks[i].m_position += delta;
        m_blocks[i+1].m_position += delta;
        m_blocks[i+2].m_position += delta;
        m_blocks[i+3].m_position += delta;
        m_blocks[i+4].m_position += delta;
        m_blocks[i+5].m_position += delta;
        m_blocks[i+6].m_position += delta;
        m_blocks[i+7].m_position += delta;
    rem += len;
    for (int64_t i = len; i < rem; ++i)
        m_blocks[i].m_position += delta;
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for (int64_t i = start_block_index; i < n; ++i)
        m_blocks[i].m_position += delta;

I have made the loop-unrolling variant of this method a compile-time option and kept the original method intact to allow on-going comparison. The OpenMP part didn’t need any special pre-processing since it can be turned on and off via compiler flag with no impact to the code itself. I needed to switch the loop counter from the original size_type (which is a typedef to size_t) to int64_t so that the code can be built with OpenMP enabled on Windows, using MSVC. Apparently the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler requires the loop counter to be a signed integer for the code to even build with OpenMP enabled.

With these changes in, I wrote a separate test code just to benchmark the insert-and-shift scenario with all permutations of loop-unrolling and OpenMP. The number of threads to use for OpenMP was not specified during the test, which would cause OpenMP to automatically use all available native threads.

With all of this out of the way, let’s look at the results:

Here, LU and OMP stand for loop unrolling and OpenMP, respectively. The results from each machine consist of four groups each having two timing values, one with 1.5.0 and one with 1.5.99. Since 1.5.0 does not use neither loop unrolling nor OpenMP, its results show no variance between the groups, which is expected. The numbers for 1.5.99 are generally much higher than those of 1.5.0, but the use of OpenMP brings the numbers down considerably. Although how much OpenMP reduced the average duration varies from machine to machine, the number of available native threads likely plays some role. The reduction by OpenMP on Core i5 6300U (which comes with 4 native threads) is approximately 30%, the number on Ryzen 7 1700X (with 16 native threads) is about 70%, and the number on Core i7 4790 (with 8 native threads) is about 50%. The relationship between the native thread count and the rate of reduction somewhat follows a linear trend, though the numbers on Xeon E5-2697 v4, which comes with 32 native threads, deviate from this trend.

The effect of loop unrolling, on the other hand, is visible only to a much lesser degree; in all but two cases it has resulted in a reduction of 1 to 7 percent. The only exceptions are the Ryzen 7 without OpenMP which denoted an increase of nearly 16%, and the Xeon E5630 with OpenMP which denoted a slight increase of 0.1%.

The 16% increase with the Ryzen 7 environment may well be an outlier, since the other test in the same environment (with OpenMP enabled) did result in a reduction of 7% – the highest of all tested groups.

Interpreting the results

Hopefully the results presented in this post are interesting and provide insight into the nature of the change in multi_type_vector in the upcoming 1.6.0 release. But what does this all mean, especially in the context of LibreOffice Calc? These are my personal thoughts.

  • From my own observation of having seen numerous bug reports and/or performance issues from various users of Calc, I can confidently say that the vast majority of cases involve reading and updating cell values without shifting of cells, either during file load, or during executions of features that involve massive amounts of cell I/O’s. Since those cases are primarily bottlenecked by block position search, the new implementation will bring a massive win especially in places where use of position hints was not practical. That being said, the performance of block search will likely see no noticeable improvements even after switching to the new implementation when the code already uses position hints with the old implementation.
  • While the increased overhead in block shifting, which is associated with insertion or deletion of rows in Calc, is a certainly a concern, it may not be a huge issue in day-to-day usage of Calc. It is worth pointing out that that what the benchmark measures is repeated insertions and shifting of highly fragmented blocks, which translates to repeated insertions or deletions of rows in Calc document where the column values consist of uniformly altering types. In normal Calc usage, it is more likely that the user would insert or delete rows as one discrete operation, rather than a series of thousands of repeated row insertions or deletions. I am highly optimistic that Calc can absorb this extra overhead without its users noticing.
  • Even if Calc encounters a very unlikely situation where this increased overhead becomes visible at the UI level, enabling OpenMP, assuming that’s practical, would help lessen the impact of this overhead. The benefit of OpenMP becomes more elevated as the number of native CPU threads becomes higher.

What’s next?

I may invest some time looking into potential use of GPU offloading to see if that would further speed up the block position update operations. The benefit of loop unrolling was not as great as I had hoped, but this may be highly CPU and compiler dependent. I will likely continue to dig deeper into this and keep on experimenting.

mdds::multi_type_matrix performance consideration

In my previous post, I explained the basic concept of multi_type_vector – one of the two new data structures added to mdds in the 0.6.0 release. In this post, I’d like to explain a bit more about multi_type_matrix – the other new structure added in the aforementioned release. It is also important to note that the addition of multi_type_matrix deprecates mixed_type_matrix, and is subject to deletion in future releases.


In short, multi_type_matrix is a matrix data structure designed to allow storage of four different element types: numeric value (double), boolean value (bool), empty value, and string value. The string value type can be either std::string, or one provided by the user. Internally, multi_type_matrix is just a wrapper to multi_type_vector, which does most of the hard work. All multi_type_matrix does is to translate logical element positions in 2-dimensional space into one-dimensional positions, and pass them onto the vector. Using multi_type_vector has many advantages over the previous matrix class mixed_type_matrix both in terms of ease of use and performance.

One benefit of using multi_type_vector as its backend storage is that, we will no longer have to differentiate densely-populated and sparsely-populated matrix density types. In mixed_type_matrix, the user would have to manually specify which backend type to use when creating an instance, and once created, it wasn’t possible to switch from one to the other unless you copy it wholesale. In multi_type_matrix, on the other hand, the user no longer has to specify the density type since the new storage is optimized for either density type.

Another benefit is the reduced storage cost and improved latency in memory access especially when accessing a sequence of element values at once. This is inherent in the use of multi_type_vector which I explained in detail in my previous post. I will expand on the storage cost of multi_type_matrix in the next section.

Storage cost

The new multi_type_matrix structure generally provides better storage efficiency in most average cases. I’ll illustrate this by using the two opposite extreme density cases.

First, let’s assume we have a 5-by-5 matrix that’s fully populated with numeric values. The following picture illustrates how the element values of such numeric matrix are stored.

In mixed_type_matrix with its filled-storage backend, the element values are either 1) stored in heap-allocated element objects and their pointers are stored in a separate array (middle right), or 2) stored directly in one-dimensional array (lower right). Those initialized with empty elements employ the first variant, whereas those initialized with zero elements employ the second variant. The rationale behind using these two different storage schemes was the assertion that, in a matrix initialized with empty elements, most elements likely remain empty throughout its life time whereas a matrix initialized with zero elements likely get numeric values assigned to most of the elements for subsequent computations.

Also, each element in mixed_type_matrix stores its type as an enum value. Let’s assume that the size of a pointer is 8 bytes (the world is moving toward 64-bit systems these days), that of a double is 8 bytes, and that of an enum is 4 bytes. The total storage cost of a 5-by-5 matrix will be 8 x 25 + (8 + 4) x 25 = 500 bytes for empty-initialized matrix, and (8 + 4) x 25 = 300 bytes for zero-initialized matrix.

In contrast, multi_type_matrix (upper right) stores the same data using a single array of double’s, whose memory address is stored in a separate block array. This block array also stores the type of each block (int) and its size (size_t). Since we only have one numeric block, it only stores one int value, one size_t value, and one pointer value for the whole block. With that, the total storage cost of a 5-by-5 matrix will be 8 x 25 + 4 + 8 + 8 = 220 bytes. Suffice it to say that it’s less than half the storage cost of empty-initialized mixed_type_matrix, and roughly 26% less than that of zero-initialized mixed_type_matrix.

Now let’s a look at the other end of the density spectrum. Say, we have a very sparsely-populated 5-by-5 matrix, and only the top-left and bottom-right elements are non-empty like the following illustration shows:

In mixed_type_matrix with its sparse-storage backend (lower right), the element values are stored in heap-allocated element objects which are in turn stored in nested balanced-binary trees. The space requirement of the sparse-storage backend varies depending on how the elements are spread out, but in this particular example, it takes one 5-node tree, one 2-node tree, four single-node tree, and five element instances. Let’s assume that each node in each of these trees stores 3 pointers (pointer to left node, pointer right node and pointer to the value), which makes up 24 bytes of storage per node. Multiplying that by 11 makes 24 x 11 = 264 bytes of storage. With each element instance requiring 12 bytes of storage, the total storage cost comes to 24 x 11 + 12 x 6 = 336 bytes.

In multi_type_matrix (upper right), the primary array stores three element blocks each of which makes up 20 bytes of storage (one pointer, one size_t and one int). Combine that with one 2-element array (16 bytes) and one 4-element array (24 bytes), and the total storage comes to 20 x 3 + 8 * (2 + 4) = 108 bytes. This clearly shows that, even in this extremely sparse density case, multi_type_matrix provides better storage efficiency than mixed_type_matrix.

I hope these two examples are evidence enough that multi_type_matrix provides reasonable efficiency in either densely populated or sparsely populated matrices. The fact that one storage can handle either extreme also gives us more flexibility in that, even when a matrix object starts out sparsely populated then later becomes completely filled, there is no need to manually switch the storage structure as was necessary with mixed_type_matrix.

Run-time performance

Better storage efficiency with multi_type_matrix over mixed_type_matrix is one thing, but what’s equally important is how well it performs run-time. Unfortunately, the actual run-time performance largely depends on how it is used, and while it should provide good overall performance if used in ways that take advantage of its structure, it may perform poorly if used incorrectly.

In this section, I will provide performance comparisons between multi_type_matrix and mixed_type_matrix in several difference scenarios, with the actual source code used to measure their performance. All performance comparisons are done in terms of total elapsed time in seconds required to perform each task. All elapsed times were measured in CPU time, and all benchmark codes were compiled on openSUSE 12.1 64-bit using gcc 4.6.2 with -Os compiler flag.

For the sake of brevity and consistency, the following typedef’s are used throughout the performance test code.

typedef mdds::mixed_type_matrix<std::string, bool>            mixed_mx_type;
typedef mdds::multi_type_matrix<mdds::mtm::std_string_trait>  multi_mx_type;


The first scenario is the instantiation of matrix objects. In this test, six matrix object instantiation scenarios are measured. In each scenario, a matrix object of 20000 rows by 8000 columns is instantiated, and the time it takes for the object to get fully instantiated is measured.

The first three scenarios instantiate matrix object with zero element values. The first scenario instantiates mixed_type_matrix with filled storage backend, with all elements initialized to zero.

mixed_mx_type mx(20000, 8000, mdds::matrix_density_filled_zero);

Internally, this allocates a one-dimensional array and fill it with zero element instances.

The second case is just like the first one, the only difference being that it uses sparse storage backend.

mixed_mx_type mx(20000, 8000, mdds::matrix_density_sparse_zero);

With the sparse storage backend, all this does is to allocate just one element instance to use it as zero, and set the internal size value to specified size. No allocation for the storage of any other elements occur at this point. Thus, instantiating a mixed_type_matrix with sparse storage is a fairly cheap, constant-time process.

The third scenario instantiates multi_type_matrix with all elements initialized to zero.

multi_mx_type mx(20000, 8000, 0.0);

This internally allocates one numerical block containing one dimensional array of length 20000 x 8000 = 160 million, and fill it with 0.0 values. This process is very similar to that of the first scenario except that, unlike the first one, the array stores the element values only, without the extra individual element types.

The next three scenarios instantiate matrix object with all empty elements. Other than that, they are identical to the first three.

The first scenario is mixed_type_matrix with filled storage.

mixed_mx_type mx(20000, 8000, mdds::matrix_density_filled_empty);

Unlike the zero element counterpart, this version allocates one empty element instance and one dimensional array that stores all identical pointer values pointing to the empty element instance.

The second one is mixed_type_matrix with sparse storage.

mixed_mx_type mx(20000, 8000, mdds::matrix_density_sparse_empty);

And the third one is multi_type_matrix initialized with all empty elements.

multi_mx_type mx(20000, 8000);

This is also very similar to the initialization with all zero elements, except that it creates one empty element block which doesn’t have memory allocated for data array. As such, this process is cheaper than the zero element counterpart because of the absence of the overhead associated with creating an extra data array.

Here are the results:

The most expensive one turns out to be the zero-initialized mixed_type_matrix, which allocates array with 160 million zero element objects upon construction. What follows is a tie between the empty-initialized mixed_type_matrix and the zero-initialized multi_type_matrix. Both structures allocate array with 160 million primitive values (one with pointer values and one with double values). The sparse mixed_type_matrix ones are very cheap to instantiate since all they need is to set their internal size without additional storage allocation. The empty multi_type_matrix is also cheap for the same reason. The last three types can be instantiated at constant time regardless of the logical size of the matrix.

Assigning values to elements

The next test is assigning numeric values to elements inside matrix. For the remainder of the tests, I will only measure the zero-initialized mixed_type_matrix since the empty-initialized one is not optimized to be filled with a large number of non-empty elements.

We measure six different scenarios in this test. One is for mixed_type_matrix, and the rest are all for multi_type_matrix, as multi_type_matrix supports several different ways to assign values. In contrast, mixed_type_matrix only supports one way to assign values.

The first scenario involves assigning values to elements in mixed_type_matrix. Values are assigned individually inside nested for loops.

size_t row_size = 10000, col_size = 1000;
mixed_mx_type mx(row_size, col_size, mdds::matrix_density_filled_zero);
double val = 0.0;
for (size_t row = 0; row < row_size; ++row)
    for (size_t col = 0; col < col_size; ++col)
        mx.set(row, col, val);
        val += 0.00001; // different value for each element

The second scenario is almost identical to the first one, except that it’s multi_type_matrix initialized with empty elements.

size_t row_size = 10000, col_size = 1000;
multi_mx_type mx(row_size, col_size);
double val = 0.0;
for (size_t row = 0; row < row_size; ++row)
    for (size_t col = 0; col < col_size; ++col)
        mx.set(row, col, val);
        val += 0.00001; // different value for each element

Because the matrix is initialized with just one empty block with no data array allocated, the very first value assignment allocates the data array just for one element, then all the subsequent assignments keep resizing the data array by one element at a time. Therefore, each value assignment runs the risk of the data array getting reallocated as it internally relies on std::vector’s capacity growth policy which in most STL implementations consists of doubling it on every reallocation.

The third scenario is identical to the previous one. The only difference is that the matrix is initialized with zero elements.

size_t row_size = 10000, col_size = 1000;
multi_mx_type mx(row_size, col_size, 0.0);
double val = 0.0;
for (size_t row = 0; row < row_size; ++row)
    for (size_t col = 0; col < col_size; ++col)
        mx.set(row, col, val);
        val += 0.00001; // different value for each element

But this seemingly subtle difference makes a huge difference. Because the matrix is already initialized with a data array to the full matrix size, none of the subsequent assignments reallocate the array. This cuts the repetitive reallocation overhead significantly.

The next case involves multi_type_matrix initialized with empty elements. The values are first stored into an extra array first, then the whole array gets assigned to the matrix in one call.

size_t row_size = 10000, col_size = 1000;
multi_mx_type mx(row_size, col_size);
// Prepare a value array first.
std::vector<double> vals;
double val = 0.0;
for (size_t row = 0; row < row_size; ++row)
    for (size_t col = 0; col < col_size; ++col)
        val += 0.00001;
// Assign the whole element values in one step.
mx.set(0, 0, vals.begin(), vals.end());

Operation like this is something that mixed_type_matrix doesn’t support. What the set() method on the last line does is to assign the values to all elements in the matrix in one single call; it starts from the top-left (0,0) element position and keeps wrapping values into the subsequent columns until it reaches the last element in the last column.

Generally speaking, with multi_type_matrix, assigning a large number of values in this fashion is significantly faster than assigning them individually, and even with the overhead of the initial data array creation, it is normally faster than individual value assignments. In this test, we measure the time it takes to set values with and without the initial data array creation.

The last scenario is identical to the previous one, but the only difference is the initial element values being zero instead of being empty.

size_t row_size = 10000, col_size = 1000;
multi_mx_type mx(row_size, col_size, 0.0);
// Prepare a value array first.
std::vector<double> vals;
double val = 0.0;
for (size_t row = 0; row < row_size; ++row)
    for (size_t col = 0; col < col_size; ++col)
        val += 0.00001;
// Assign the whole element values in one step.
mx.set(0, 0, vals.begin(), vals.end());

The only significant thing this code does differently from the last one is that it assigns values to an existing numeric data array whereas the code in the previous scenario allocates a new array before assigning values. In practice, this difference should not make any significant difference performance-wise.

Now, let’s a take a look at the results.

The top orange bar is the only result from mixed_type_matrix, and the rest of the blue bars are from multi_type_matrix, using different assignment techniques.

The top three bars are the results from the individual value assignments inside loop (hence the label “loop”). The first thing that jumps out of this chart is that individually assigning values to empty-initialized multi_type_matrix is prohibitively expensive, thus such feat should be done with extra caution (if you really have to do it). When the matrix is initialized with zero elements, however, it does perform reasonably though it’s still slightly slower than the mixed_type_matrix case.

The bottom four bars are the results from the array assignments to multi_type_matrix, one initialized with empty elements and one initialized with zero elements, and one is with the initial data array creation and one without. The difference between the two initialization cases is very minor and well within the margin of being barely noticeable in real life.

Performance of an array assignment is roughly on par with that of mixed_type_matrix’s if you include the cost of the extra array creation. But if you take away that overhead, that is, if the data array is already present and doesn’t need to be created prior to the assignment, the array assignment becomes nearly 3 times faster than mixed_type_matrix’s individual value assignment.

Adding all numeric elements

The next benchmark test consists of fetching all numerical values from a matrix and adding them all together. This requires accessing the stored elements inside matrix after it has been fully populated.

With mixed_type_matrix, the following two ways of accessing element values are tested: 1) access via individual get_numeric() calls, and 2) access via const_iterator. With multi_type_matrix, the tested access methods are: 1) access via individual get_numeric() calls, and 2) access via walk() method which walks all element blocks sequentially and call back a caller-provided function object on each element block pass.

In each of the above testing scenarios, two different element distribution types are tested: one that consists of all numeric elements (homogeneous matrix), and one that consists of a mixture of numeric and empty elements (heterogeneous matrix). In the tests with heterogeneous matrices, one out of every three columns is set empty while the remainder of the columns are filled with numeric elements. The size of a matrix object is fixed to 10000 rows by 1000 columns in each tested scenario.

The first case involves populating a mixed_type_matrix instance with all numeric elements (homogenous matrix), then read all values to calculate their sum.

size_t row_size = 10000, col_size = 1000;
mixed_mx_type mx(row_size, col_size, mdds::matrix_density_filled_zero);
// Populate the matrix with all numeric values.
double val = 0.0;
for (size_t row = 0; row < row_size; ++row)
    for (size_t col = 0; col < col_size; ++col)
        mx.set(row, col, val);
        val += 0.00001;
// Sum all numeric values.
double sum = 0.0;
for (size_t row = 0; row < row_size; ++row)
    for (size_t col = 0; col < col_size; ++col)
        sum += mx.get_numeric(row, col);

The test only measures the second nested for loops where the values are read and added. The first block where the matrix is populated is excluded from the measurement.

In the heterogeneous matrix variant, only the first block is different:

// Populate the matrix with numeric and empty values.
double val = 0.0;
for (size_t row = 0; row < row_size; ++row)
    for (size_t col = 0; col < col_size; ++col)
        if ((col % 3) == 0)
            mx.set_empty(row, col);
            mx.set(row, col, val);
            val += 0.00001;

while the second block remains intact. Note that the get_numeric() method returns 0.0 when the element type is empty (this is true with both mixed_type_matrix and multi_type_matrix), so calling this method on empty elements has no effect on the total sum of all numeric values.

When measuring the performance of element access via iterator, the second block is replaced with the following code:

// Sum all numeric values via iterator.
double sum = 0.0;
mixed_mx_type::const_iterator it = mx.begin(), it_end = mx.end();
for (; it != it_end; ++it)
    if (it->m_type == mdds::element_numeric)
        sum += it->m_numeric;

Four separate tests are performed with multi_type_matrix. The first variant consists of a homogeneous matrix with all numeric values, where the element values are read and added via manual loop.

size_t row_size = 10000, col_size = 1000;
multi_mx_type mx(row_size, col_size, 0.0);
// Populate the matrix with all numeric values.
double val = 0.0;
for (size_t row = 0; row < row_size; ++row)
    for (size_t col = 0; col < col_size; ++col)
        mx.set(row, col, val);
        val += 0.00001;
// Sum all numeric values.
double sum = 0.0;
for (size_t row = 0; row < row_size; ++row)
    for (size_t col = 0; col < col_size; ++col)
        sum += mx.get_numeric(row, col);

This code is identical to the very first scenario with mixed_type_matrix, the only difference being that it uses multi_type_matrix initialized with zero elements.

In the heterogeneous matrix variant, the first block is replaced with the following:

multi_mx_type mx(row_size, col_size); // initialize with empty elements.
double val = 0.0;
vector<double> vals;
for (size_t col = 0; col < col_size; ++col)
    if ((col % 3) == 0)
        // Leave this column empty.
    for (size_t row = 0; row < row_size; ++row)
        val += 0.00001;
    mx.set(0, col, vals.begin(), vals.end());

which essentially fills the matrix with numeric values except for every 3rd column being left empty. It’s important to note that, because heterogeneous multi_type_matrix instance consists of multiple element blocks, making every 3rd column empty creates roughly over 300 element blocks with matrix that consists of 1000 columns. This severely affects the performance of element block lookup especially for elements that are not positioned in the first few blocks.

The walk() method was added to multi_type_matrix precisely to alleviate this sort of poor lookup performance in such heavily partitioned matrices. This allows the caller to walk through all element blocks sequentially, thereby removing the need to restart the search in every element access. The last tested scenario measures the performance of this walk() method by replacing the second block with:

sum_all_values func;

where the sum_all_values function object is defined as:

class sum_all_values : public std::unary_function<multi_mx_type::element_block_node_type, void>
    double m_sum;
    sum_all_values() : m_sum(0.0) {}
    void operator() (const multi_mx_type::element_block_node_type& blk)
        if (!
            // Skip the empty blocks.
        if (mdds::mtv::get_block_type(* != mdds::mtv::element_type_numeric)
            // Block is not of numeric type.  Skip it.
        using mdds::mtv::numeric_element_block;
        // Access individual elements in this block, and add them up.
        numeric_element_block::const_iterator it = numeric_element_block::begin(*;
        numeric_element_block::const_iterator it_end = numeric_element_block::end(*;
        for (; it != it_end; ++it)
            m_sum += *it;
    double get() const { return m_sum; }

Without further ado, here are the results:

It is somewhat surprising that mixed_type_matrix shows poorer performance with iterator access as opposed to access via get_numeric(). There is no noticeable difference between the homogeneous and heterogeneous matrix scenarios with mixed_type_matrix, which makes sense given how mixed_type_matrix stores its element values.

On the multi_type_matrix front, element access via individual get_numeric() calls turns out to be very slow, which is expected. This poor performance is highly visible especially with heterogeneous matrix consisting of over 300 element blocks. Access via walk() method, on the other hand, shows much better performance, and is in fact the fastest amongst all tested scenarios. Access via walk() is faster with the heterogeneous matrix which is likely attributed to the fact that the empty element blocks are skipped which reduces the total number of element values to read.

Counting all numeric elements

In this test, we measure the time it takes to count the total number of numeric elements stored in a matrix. As with the previous test, we use both homogeneous and heterogeneous 10000 by 1000 matrix objects initialized in the same exact manner. In this test, however, we don’t measure the individual element access performance of multi_type_matrix since we all know by now that doing so would result in a very poor performance.

With mixed_type_matrix, we measure counting both via individual element access and via iterators. I will not show the code to initialize the element values here since that remains unchanged from the previous test. The code that does the counting is as follows:

// Count all numeric elements.
long count = 0;
for (size_t row = 0; row < row_size; ++row)
    for (size_t col = 0; col < col_size; ++col)
        if (mx.get_type(row, col) == mdds::element_numeric)

It is pretty straightforward and hopefully needs no explanation. Likewise, the code that does the counting via iterator is as follows:

// Count all numeric elements via iterator.
long count = 0;
mixed_mx_type::const_iterator it = mx.begin(), it_end = mx.end();
for (; it != it_end; ++it)
    if (it->m_type == mdds::element_numeric)

Again a pretty straightforward code.

Now, testing this scenario with multi_type_matrix is interesting because it can take advantage of multi_type_matrix’s block-based element value storage. Because the elements are partitioned into multiple blocks, and each block stores its size separately from the data array, we can simply tally the sizes of all numeric element blocks to calculate its total number without even counting the actual individual elements stored in the blocks. And this algorithm scales with the number of element blocks, which is far fewer than the number of elements in most average use cases.

With that in mind, the code to count numeric elements becomes:

count_all_values func;

where the count_all_values function object is defined as:

class count_all_values : public std::unary_function<multi_mx_type::element_block_node_type, void>
    long m_count;
    count_all_values() : m_count(0) {}
    void operator() (const multi_mx_type::element_block_node_type& blk)
        if (!
            // Empty block.
        if (mdds::mtv::get_block_type(* != mdds::mtv::element_type_numeric)
            // Block is not numeric.
        m_count += blk.size; // Just use the separate block size.
    long get() const { return m_count; }

With mixed_type_matrix, you are forced to parse all elements in order to count elements of a certain type regardless of which type of elements to count. This algorithm scales with the number of elements, much worse proposition than scaling with the number of element blocks.

Now that the code has been presented, let move on to the results:

The performance of mixed_type_matrix, both manual loop and via iterator cases, is comparable to that of the previous test. What’s remarkable is the performance of multi_type_matrix via its walk() method; the numbers are so small that they don’t even register in the chart! As I mentions previously, the storage structure of multi_type_matrix replaces the problem of counting elements into a new problem of counting element blocks, thereby significantly reducing the scale factor with respect to the number of elements in most average use cases.

Initializing matrix with identical values

Here is another scenario where you can take advantage of multi_type_matrix over mixed_type_matrix. Say, you want to instantiate a new matrix and assign 12.3 to all of its elements. With mixed_type_matrix, the only way you can achieve that is to assign that value to each element in a loop after it’s been constructed. So you would write code like this:

size_t row_size = 10000, col_size = 2000;
mixed_mx_type mx(row_size, col_size, mdds::matrix_density_filled_zero);
for (size_t row = 0; row < row_size; ++row)
    for (size_t col = 0; col < col_size; ++col)
        mx.set(row, col, 12.3);

With multi_type_matrix, you can achieve the same result by simply passing an initial value to the constructor, and that value gets assigned to all its elements upon construction. So, instead of assigning it to every element individually, you can simply write:

multi_mx_type(row_size, col_size, 12.3);

Just for the sake of comparison, I’ll add two more cases for multi_type_matrix. The first one involves instantiation with a numeric block of zero’s, and individually assigning value to the elements afterward, like so:

multi_mx_type mx(row_size, col_size, 0.0);
for (size_t row = 0; row < row_size; ++row)
    for (size_t col = 0; col < col_size; ++col)
        mx.set(row, col, 12.3);

which is algorithmically similar to the mixed_type_matrix case.

Now, the second one involves instantiation with a numeric block of zero’s, create an array with the same element count initialized with a desired initial value, then assign that to the matrix in one go.

multi_mx_type mx(row_size, col_size);
vector<double> vals(row_size*col_size, 12.3);
mx.set(0, 0, vals.begin(), vals.end());

The results are:

The performance of assigning initial value to individual elements is comparable between mixed_type_matrix and multi_type_matrix, though it is also the slowest of all. Creating an array of initial values and assigning it to the matrix takes less than half the time of individual assignment even with the overhead of creating the extra array upfront. Passing an initial value to the constructor is the fastest of all; it only takes roughly 1/8th of the time required for the individual assignment, and 1/3rd of the array assignment.


I hope I have presented enough evidence to convince you that multi_type_matrix offers overall better performance than mixed_type_matrix in a wide variety of use cases. Its structure is much simpler than that of mixed_type_matrix in that, it only uses one element storage backend as opposed to three in mixed_type_matrix. This greatly improves not only the cost of maintenance but also the predictability of the container behavior from the user’s point of view. That fact that you don’t have to clone matrix just to transfer it into another storage backend should make it a lot simpler to use this new matrix container.

Having said this, you should also be aware of the fact that, in order to take full advantage of multi_type_matrix to achieve good run-time performance, you need to

  • try to limit single value assignments and prefer using value array assignment,
  • construct matrix with proper initial value which also determines the type of initial element block, which in turn affects the performance of subsequent value assignments, and
  • use the walk() method when iterating through all elements in the matrix.

That’s all, ladies and gentlemen.

Windows clipboard dumper

Inspired by this bug report, I just wrote a small, quick and dirty utility to dump the current clipboard content on Windows. Windows development to me is still pretty much an uncharted territory, so even a utility as simple as this took me some time. Anyway, you can download the binary from here: clipdump.exe. Note that this is a console utility, so you need to run this from the console window.

Here is the source code.

#include <Windows.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
size_t char_per_line = 16;
typedef vector<WORD> line_store_type;
void dump_line(const line_store_type& line)
    if (line.empty())
    size_t fill_size = char_per_line - line.size();
    line_store_type::const_iterator i = line.begin(), iend = line.end();
    for (; i != iend; ++i)
        printf("%04X ", *i);
    while (fill_size--)
        cout << "     ";
    cout << ' ';
    i = line.begin();
    for (; i != iend; ++i)
        WORD c = *i;
        if (32 <= c && c <= 126)
            // ASCII printable range
            cout << static_cast<char>(c);
            // non-printable range
            cout << '.';
    cout << endl;
void dump_clip(HANDLE hdl)
    if (!hdl)
    LPTSTR buf = static_cast<LPTSTR>(GlobalLock(hdl));
    if (!buf)
    line_store_type line;
    for (size_t i = 0, n = GlobalSize(hdl); i < n; ++i)
        if (line.size() == char_per_line)
int main()
    if (!OpenClipboard(NULL))
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    UINT fmt = 0;
    for (fmt = EnumClipboardFormats(fmt); fmt; fmt = EnumClipboardFormats(fmt))
        char name[100];
        int len = GetClipboardFormatName(fmt, name, 100);
        if (!len)
        cout << "---" << endl;
        cout << "format code: " << fmt << endl;
        cout << "name: " << name << endl << endl;
        HANDLE hdl = GetClipboardData(fmt);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

It’s nothing sophisticated, and it could probably use more polishing and perhaps some GUI (since it’s a Windows app). But for now it serves the purpose for me.

Tor has submitted his version in the comment section. Much more sophisticated than mine (and it’s C not C++).

Working with a branch using git-new-workdir


Git package contains a script named git-new-workdir, which allows you to work in a branch in a separate directory on the file system. This differs from cloning a repository in that git-new-workdir doesn’t duplicate the git history from the original repository and shares it instead, and that when you commit something to the branch that commit goes directly into the history of the original repository without explicitly pushing to the original repository. On top of that, creating a new branch work directory happens very much instantly. It’s fast, and it’s efficient. It’s an absolute time saver for those of us who work on many branches at any given moment without bloating the disk space.

As wonderful as this script can be, not all distros package this script with their git package. If your distro doesn’t package it, you can always download the source packages of git and find the script there, under the contrib directory. Also, if you have the build repository of libreoffice cloned, you can find it in bin/git-new-workdir too.

Now, I’m going to talk about how I make use of this script to work on the 3.3 branch of LibreOffice.

Creating a branch work directory

If you’ve followed this page to build the master branch of libreoffice, then you should have in your clone of the build repository a directory named clone. Under this directory are your local clones of the 19 repositories comprising the whole libreoffice source tree. If you are like me, you have followed the above page and built your libreoffice build in the rawbuild directory.

The next step is to create a separate directory just for the 3.3 branch which named libreoffice-3-3 and set things up so that you can build it normally as you did in the rawbuild. I’ve written the following bash script (named to do this in one single step.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
print_help() {
    echo Usage: $1 [bootstrap dir] [dest dir] [branch name]
die() {
    echo $1
    exit 1
if [ "$BOOTSTRAP_DIR" = "" ]; then
    echo bootstrap repo is missing.
    print_help $0
    exit 1
if [ "$DEST_DIR" = "" ]; then
    echo destination directory is missing.
    print_help $0
    exit 1
if [ "$BRANCH" = "" ]; then
    echo branch name is missing.
    print_help $0
    exit 1
if [ -e "$DEST_DIR/$BRANCH" ]; then
    die "$DEST_DIR/$BRANCH already exists."
# Clone bootstrap first.
$GIT_NEW_WORKDIR "$BOOTSTRAP_DIR" "$DEST_DIR/$BRANCH" "$BRANCH" || die "failed to clone bootstrap repo."
# First, check out the branches.
echo "creating directory $DEST_DIR/$BRANCH/$REPOS"
mkdir -p "$DEST_DIR/$BRANCH/$REPOS" || die "failed to create $DEST_DIR/$BRANCH/$REPOS"
for repo in `ls "$BOOTSTRAP_DIR/clone"`; do
    if [ ! -d $repo_path ]; then
        # we only care about directories.
    echo ===== $repo =====
# Set symbolic links to the root directory.
for repo in `ls $REPOS`; do
    if [ ! -d $repo_path ]; then
        # skip if not directory.
    ln -s -t . $repo_path/*

The only thing you need to do before running this script is to set the GIT_NEW_WORKDIR variable to point to the location of the git-new-workdir script on your file system.

With this script in place, you can simply

cd ..  # move out of the build directory ./build/clone . libreoffice-3-3

and you now have a new directory named libreoffice-3-3 (same as the branch name), where all modules and top-level files are properly symlinked to their original locations, while the actual repo branches are under the _repos directory. All you have left to do is to start building. :-)

Note that there is no need to manually create a local branch named libreoffice-3-3 that tracks the remote libreoffice-3-3 branch in the original repository before running this script; git-new-workdir takes care of that for you provided that the remote branch of the same name exists.

Updating the branch work directory

In general, when you are in a branch work directory (I call it this because it sounds about right), updating the branch from the branch in the remote repo consists of two steps. First, fetch the latest history in the original repository by git fetch, move back to the branch work directory and run git pull -r.

But doing this manually in all the 19 repositories can be very tedious. So I wrote another script (named to ease this pain a little.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
die() {
    echo $1
    exit 1
if [ ! -d $REPOS ]; then
    die "$REPOS directory not found in cwd."
echo ===== main repository =====
git $@
for repo in `ls $REPOS`; do
    echo ===== $repo =====
    if [ ! -d $repo_path ]; then
        # Not a directory.  Skip it.
    pushd . > /dev/null
    cd $repo_path
    git $@
    popd > /dev/null

With this, updating the branch build directory is done: pull -r

That’s all there is to it.

A few more words…

As with any methods in life, this method has limitations. If you build libreoffice with the old-fashioned way of applying patches on top of the raw source tree, this method doesn’t help you; you would still need to clone the repo, and manually switch to the branch in the cloned repo.

But if you build, hack and debug in rawbuild almost exclusively (like me), then this method will help you save time and disk space. You can also adopt this method for any feature branches, as long as all the 19 repos (20 if you count l10n repo) have the same branch name. So, it’s worth a look! :-)

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

P.S. I’ve updated the scripts to adopt to the new bootstrap based build scheme.

STL container performance on data insertion

I just ran a quick analysis on the performance of various STL containers on simple data insertion. The result was not exactly what I expected so I’d like to share it with you.

What was performed was sequential insertions of 50,000,000 (50 million) unique pointer values into various STL containers, either by push_back or insert, depending on which method is supported by the container. I ran the test on openSUSE 11.2, with g++ 4.4.1, with the compiler options of -std=c++0x -Os -g. The -std=c++0x flag is necessary in order to use std::unordered_set.

Anyway, here is the result I observed:


I was fully aware of the set containers being slower than list and vector on insertion, due to the internal structure of set being more elaborate than those of list or vector, and this test confirms my knowledge. However, I was not aware of such wide gap between list and vector. Also, the difference between unreserved and reserved vector was not as wide as I would have expected. (For the sake of completeness, a reserved vector is an instance of vector whose internal array size is pre-allocated in advance in order to avoid re-allocation.) My belief has always been that reserving vector in advance improves performance on data insertion, which it does, but I was expecting a wider gap between the two. So, the result I see here is a bit unexpected.

In case you want to re-run this test on your own environment, here is the code I used to measure the containers’ performance:

#include <vector>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <set>
#include <list>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <sys/time.h>
using namespace std;
namespace {
class StackPrinter
    explicit StackPrinter(const char* msg) :
        fprintf(stdout, "%s: --begin\n", msMsg.c_str());
        mfStartTime = getTime();
        double fEndTime = getTime();
        fprintf(stdout, "%s: --end (duration: %g sec)\n", msMsg.c_str(), (fEndTime-mfStartTime));
    void printTime(int line) const
        double fEndTime = getTime();
        fprintf(stdout, "%s: --(%d) (duration: %g sec)\n", msMsg.c_str(), line, (fEndTime-mfStartTime));
    double getTime() const
        timeval tv;
        gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
        return tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0;
    ::std::string msMsg;
    double mfStartTime;
int main()
    size_t store_size = 50000000;
        StackPrinter __stack_printer__("vector non-reserved");
        string* ptr = 0x00000000;
        vector<void*> store;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < store_size; ++i)
        StackPrinter __stack_printer__("vector reserved");
        string* ptr = 0x00000000;
        vector<void*> store;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < store_size; ++i)
        StackPrinter __stack_printer__("list");
        string* ptr = 0x00000000;
        list<void*> store;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < store_size; ++i)
        StackPrinter __stack_printer__("set");
        string* ptr = 0x00000000;
        set<void*> store;   
        for (size_t i = 0; i < store_size; ++i)
        StackPrinter __stack_printer__("unordered set");
        string* ptr = 0x00000000;
        unordered_set<void*> store;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < store_size; ++i)

This is valid C++ code?

My compiler reported a build error in the following code block today.

long ScDPOutput::GetHeaderDim( const ScAddress& rPos, USHORT& rOrient )
    SCCOL nCol = rPos.Col();
    SCROW nRow = rPos.Row();
    SCTAB nTab = rPos.Tab();
    if ( nTab != aStartPos.Tab() )
        return -1;                                      // wrong sheet
    //  calculate output positions and sizes
    //  test for column header
    if ( nRow == nTabStartRow && nCol >= nDataStartCol && nCol < nDataStartCol + nColFieldCount )
        rOrient = sheet::DataPilotFieldOrientation_COLUMN;
        long nField = nCol - nDataStartCol;
        return pColFields[nField].nDim;
    //  test for row header
    if ( nRow+1 == nDataStartRow && nCol >= nTabStartCol == nCol < nTabStartCol + nRowFieldCount )
        rOrient = sheet::DataPilotFieldOrientation_ROW;
        long nField = nCol - nTabStartCol;
        return pRowFields[nField].nDim;
    //  test for page field
    SCROW nPageStartRow = aStartPos.Row() + ( bDoFilter ? 1 : 0 );
    if ( nCol == aStartPos.Col() && nRow >= nPageStartRow && nRow < nPageStartRow + nPageFieldCount )
        rOrient = sheet::DataPilotFieldOrientation_PAGE;
        long nField = nRow - nPageStartRow;
        return pPageFields[nField].nDim;
    //! single data field (?)
    rOrient = sheet::DataPilotFieldOrientation_HIDDEN;
    return -1;      // invalid

In particular, my compiler didn’t like the == (equality operator) in nTabStartCol == nCol in the 3rd if statement block from the top. Looking at the if statement before and after that, you’ll probably say “yeah, looks like that ‘==’ was supposed to be &&, so what’s the surprise?” Well, the thing is, this piece of code has not changed for at least a few years, which means it was compiling just fine up until today (though it may have caused a bug somewhere…). And even today, it compiled fine before I made a few changes that were not related to this method, and I didn’t modify this method itself at all.

I have to wonder, why this code block compiled fine up till today, and what change of mine triggered the compiler to complain all of a sudden if the method itself is unchanged…. :-/

Excel sheet protection password hash

When you protect either your workbook or one of your worksheets with a password in Excel, Excel internally generates a 16-bit hash of your password and stores it instead of the original password text. The hashing algorithm used for that was previously unknown, but thanks to the infamous Office Open XML specification it is now documented for the world to see (take a look at Part 4, Section – Sheet Protection Options for the details). Thankfully, the algorithm is identical for all recent versions of Excel including XP, 2003 and 2007, so you can simply reuse the documented algorithm for the older versions of Excel too.

But alas! the documented algorithm is incorrect; it does not produce correct hash values. Being determined to find out the correct algorithm, however, I started to analyze the hashes that the documented algorithm produces, and compare them with the real hash values that Excel generates, in order to decipher the correct algorithm.

In the end, the documented algorithm was, although not accurate, pretty close enough that I was able to make a few changes and derive the algorithm that generates correct values. The following code:

#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned char sal_uInt8;
typedef unsigned short sal_uInt16;
sal_uInt16 getPasswordHash(const char* szPassword)
    sal_uInt16 cchPassword = strlen(szPassword);
    sal_uInt16 wPasswordHash = 0;
    if (!cchPassword)
        return wPasswordHash;
    const char* pch = &szPassword[cchPassword];
    while (pch-- != szPassword)
        wPasswordHash = ((wPasswordHash >> 14) & 0x01) | 
                        ((wPasswordHash << 1) & 0x7fff);
        wPasswordHash ^= *pch;
    wPasswordHash = ((wPasswordHash >> 14) & 0x01) | 
                    ((wPasswordHash << 1) & 0x7fff);
    wPasswordHash ^= (0x8000 | ('N' << 8) | 'K');
    wPasswordHash ^= cchPassword;
    return wPasswordHash;
int main (int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc < 2)
    printf("input password = %s\n", argv[1]);
    sal_uInt16 hash = getPasswordHash(argv[1]);
    printf("hash = %4.4X\n", hash);
    return 0;

produces the right hash value from an arbitrary password. One caveat: this algorithm takes an 8-bit char array, so if the input value consists of 16-bit unicode characters, it needs to be first converted into 8-bit character array. The conversion algorithm is also documented in the OOXML specification. I have not tested it yet, but I hope that algorithm is correct. ;-)

Missing vcl resource

At one point in the past, I started getting this annoying error message dialog

VCL resource warning dialog on startup

on startup, and OO.o simply shuts itself down after that. It happened whenever I installed the trunk version of ooo-build with ooinstall (with an -l option for linking), or the upstream build with linkoo. These two commands are two, totally separate scripts, but they both create symbolic links to the shared libraries and resources in the installation directory, to their respective location in the build (actually ooinstall makes use of linkoo for the -l functionality). This setting allows a fast iteration of code change, compilation and testing without having to manually swap the shared libraries each time they get modified in the build. But because of this problem I was not able to use linkoo with the upstream build, or ooinstall -l with the trunk ooo-build, and was forced to manually set symlink to the modules I was working on. (Somehow, the 2.2 and 2.1 branches of ooo-build didn’t have this problem.)

But today, after not having been able to use an automatically symlinked installation for a long, long time, I got tired of it and decided to jump into the code, to see what causes this problem.

After a little tracing of the code, I finally found the offending code block (tools/source/rc/resmgr.cxx#244):

void ResMgrContainer::init()
    // get resource path
    std::list< OUString > aDirs;
    sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
    // 1. relative to current module (<installation>/program/resource)
    OUString libraryFileUrl;
    if( Module::getUrlFromAddress(
            reinterpret_cast< oslGenericFunction >(ResMgrContainer::release),
            libraryFileUrl) )
        nIndex = libraryFileUrl.lastIndexOf( '/' );
    DBG_ASSERT( nIndex > 0, "module resolution failed" );
    if( nIndex > 0 )
        OUStringBuffer aBuf( libraryFileUrl.getLength() + 16 );
        aBuf.append( libraryFileUrl.getStr(), nIndex+1 ); // copy inclusive '/'
        aBuf.appendAscii( "resource" );
        aDirs.push_back( aBuf.makeStringAndClear() );

Here is what the code does. It tries to locate all of the resources (.res) files and put their locations into an internal data structure. To do it, it needs to know where to find the resource files. It cleverly determines the resource file directory by first getting the absolute path of the module where the code resides (, and move down to the resource file directory from that location. In the normal installation, the modules are located in the [installation root]/program/, and the resources directory is only one level down.

However, when the shared library in question is a symbolic link (symlink) to another file, the code ends up getting the path of the actual file the symlink points to, instead of the path of that symlink (via dladdr call), and this causes the above problem.

There is an easy workaround. Since it’s only the shared library where the ResMgrContainer class is (which is as mentioned) needs to be the actual file, you can simply delete the symlink that points to, and put the original file in its place. Then OO.o launches just fine. You can leave all the other symlinked shared libraries alone. The only problem with this workaround is, if you want to hack at the tools code, you would need to manually swap the shared library on each module re-build, but for me, that’s not a major problem (I don’t hack at the tools code).

SSE2 Instructions

For the past several weeks I have been studying X86 assembly language, mainly because I wanted to update my knowledge on the assembly language to match the latest CPU technology. I had previosly taken an X86 assembly language course at NCSU roughly a year ago, but the course only covered 8086 instruction set, and used the MASM version 6.0 as the assembler which is only good for writing MS-DOS applications. I wanted to at least learn how to do floating-point calculations in assembly, and do it in GNU assembly so that my apps would run on Linux.

There are quite a few extensions to the core X86 instructions, such as FPU, MMX, SSE, and SSE2. The FPU takes care of normal floating point calculations since 80386, MMX for operating multiple integer calculations in a single CPU cycle, SSE for multiple single-precision calculations, and SSE2 for multiple double-precision calculations (again, in a single CPU cycle). Since software these days, and OO.o in particular, seem to do almost all of floating point calculations in double-precision, I decided to give SSE2 a little benchmark test.

Here is how I did it. I wrote some simple mathematical routines in C, compiled it normally with gcc with -O1 optimization. Then I had gcc generate an assembly code of that routine, cleaned it up a bit and replaced several instructions with SSE2 instructions, reassembled it into an executable to run benchmark.

Here is the original C code for the routine:

void array_multiply(double* array1, double* array2, unsigned int size)
    // Make nloop a multiple of 2.
    unsigned int nloop = size/2;
    nloop += nloop;
    unsigned int i = 0;
    for (; i < nloop; i += 2)
        array1[i]   *= array2[i] * array2[i] * array2[i];
        array1[i+1] *= array2[i+1] * array2[i+1] * array2[i+1];

and this is the assembly instructions that gcc generated (with -O1):

    .align 2
.globl array_multiply
    .type   array_multiply, @function
    pushl   %ebp
    movl    %esp, %ebp
    pushl   %ebx
    movl    8(%ebp), %edx
    movl    12(%ebp), %ebx
    movl    16(%ebp), %ecx
    andl    $-2, %ecx
    je      .L5
    movl    $0, %eax
    fldl    (%ebx,%eax,8)
    fld     %st(0)
    fmul    %st(1), %st
    fmulp   %st, %st(1)
    fmull   (%edx,%eax,8)
    fstpl   (%edx,%eax,8)
    fldl    8(%ebx,%eax,8)
    fld     %st(0)
    fmul    %st(1), %st
    fmulp   %st, %st(1)
    fmull   8(%edx,%eax,8)
    fstpl   8(%edx,%eax,8)
    addl    $2, %eax
    cmpl    %eax, %ecx
    ja      .L4
    popl    %ebx
    popl    %ebp

It does all the calculations using FPU instructions. And here is the assembly code after I replaced the FPU instructions with SSE2 ones:

.section .text
.align 16
.globl array_multiply
    .type   array_multiply, @function
    pushl   %ebp
    movl    %esp, %ebp
    pushl   %ebx
    movl    8(%ebp), %edx           # pointer to array1
    movl    12(%ebp), %ebx          # pointer to array2
    movl    16(%ebp), %ecx          # size
    andl    $-2, %ecx               # make the size a multiple of 2
    je  .L5
    movl    $0, %eax                # i = 0
    movapd  (%edx,%eax,8), %xmm0    # SSE2
    movupd  (%ebx,%eax,8), %xmm1    # SSE2
    mulpd   %xmm1, %xmm0            # SSE2
    mulpd   %xmm1, %xmm0            # SSE2
    mulpd   %xmm1, %xmm0            # SSE2
    movapd  %xmm0, (%edx,%eax,8)    # SSE2
    addl    $2, %eax                # i += 2
    cmpl    %eax, %ecx
    ja  .L4
    popl    %ebx
    popl    %ebp

I then used the following main C++ code

void print_array(double* array, unsigned int size)
    cout << "{ ";
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        if (i)
            cout << ", ";
        cout << array[i];
    cout << " }" << endl;
int main()
    double myarray1[] = {10.5, 50.0, 25.0, 10.0, 2345.4848, 594.23, 0.4, 87.2};
    double myarray2[] = {1.2, 50.0, 1.5, 10.0, 120.9, 44.09, 874.234, 233.333};
    unsigned int array_size = 8;
    cout << "myarray1 = ";
    print_array(myarray1, array_size);
    cout << "myarray2 = ";
    print_array(myarray2, array_size);
    double myarray[array_size];
    for (long counter = 0; counter < 99999999; ++counter)
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < array_size; ++i)
            // To prevent calculation results from being cached.
            myarray[i] = myarray1[i] + 0.000000001*counter;
        array_multiply(myarray, myarray2, array_size);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < array_size; ++i)
        cout << i << " t " << myarray[i] << endl;

to call both the C version and the assembly with SSE2 version to compare performance. The executables with the original C version and the SSE2 version are named test_c and test_sse, respectively. Here is the result (on my machine):

$ time ./test_c
myarray1 = { 10.5, 50, 25, 10, 2345.48, 594.23, 0.4, 87.2 }
myarray2 = { 1.2, 50, 1.5, 10, 120.9, 44.09, 874.234, 233.333 }
0        18.3168
1        6.2625e+06
2        84.7125
3        10100
4        4.14505e+09
5        5.09387e+07
6        3.34082e+08
7        1.10903e+09
real    0m3.308s
user    0m3.292s
sys     0m0.012s
$ time ./test_sse
myarray1 = { 10.5, 50, 25, 10, 2345.48, 594.23, 0.4, 87.2 }
myarray2 = { 1.2, 50, 1.5, 10, 120.9, 44.09, 874.234, 233.333 }
0        18.3168
1        6.2625e+06
2        84.7125
3        10100
4        4.14505e+09
5        5.09387e+07
6        3.34082e+08
7        1.10903e+09
real    0m2.451s
user    0m2.436s
sys     0m0.000s

Indeed, the SSE2 version seems to perform better! I also compared my SSE2 version against the -O3 optimized C-code, but there was not much difference from the -O1 optimized code for this particular algorithm. But of course, YMMV.

Does this mean we should start writing assembly code for performance optimization? Probably not. I still think it’s much better to write a better algorithm in the first place than re-write code in assembly language, because re-writing in assembly is itself not a guarantee for a better performance. But for serious performance work, however, knowing what type of assembly code that the compiler generates from a C/C++ code, for various compiler optimization flags, will undoubtedly benefit. You never know, in a few extreme cases, it may even make sense to write parts of the application code in assembly, even if that means having to write that part in assembly for every platform that app needs to support. OO.o has some parts of UNO bridge written in assembly, and I’ve seen some assembly code in the FireFox codebase as well.

Oh, by the way, for anyone looking for a good study guide on GNU assembly for X86 family of chips, the “Professional Assembly Language” by Richard Blum (Wiley Publishing) would be a pretty good place to start.

How to (pretend to) write an export filter

It turns out that pretending to write an export filter, at least adding a new entry to the Export dialog, is quite easy. In fact, you don’t even have to write a single line of code. Here is what to do.

Suppose you do your own build, and you have installed the OO.o that you have built. Now, go back to your build tree, and change directory into the following location


and add the following two new files relative to this location:


You can name your files anyway you want, of course. ;-) Anyway, put the following XML fragments into these files:

<!-- calc_Kohei_SDF_Filter.xcu -->
<node oor:name="calc_Kohei_SDF_Filter" oor:op="replace">
  <prop oor:name="Flags"><value>EXPORT ALIEN 3RDPARTYFILTER</value></prop>
  <prop oor:name="UIComponent"/>
  <prop oor:name="FilterService"><value></value></prop>
  <prop oor:name="UserData"/>
  <prop oor:name="FileFormatVersion"/>
  <prop oor:name="Type"><value>Kohei_SDF</value></prop>
  <prop oor:name="TemplateName"/>
  <prop oor:name="DocumentService"><value></value></prop>
<!-- calc_Kohei_SDF_Filter_ui.xcu -->
<node oor:name="calc_Kohei_SDF_Filter">
  <prop oor:name="UIName"><value xml:lang="x-default">Kohei Super Duper File Format</value>
    <value xml:lang="en-US">Kohei Super Duper File Format</value>
    <value xml:lang="de">Kohei Super Duper File Format</value>

Likewise, create another file:


with the following content

<!-- Kohei_SDF.xcu -->
<node oor:name="Kohei_SDF" oor:op="replace" >
  <prop oor:name="DetectService"/>
  <prop oor:name="URLPattern"/>
  <prop oor:name="Extensions"><value>koheisdf</value></prop>
  <prop oor:name="MediaType"/>
  <prop oor:name="Preferred"><value>false</value></prop>
  <prop oor:name="PreferredFilter"><value>calc_Kohei_SDF_Filter</value></prop>
  <prop oor:name="UIName"><value xml:lang="x-default">Kohei Super Duper File Format</value></prop>
  <prop oor:name="ClipboardFormat"><value>doctype:Workbook</value></prop>

Once these new files are in place, add these files to so that the build process can find them. To add, open and add Kohei_SDF to the end of T4_CALC, calc_Kohei_SDF_Filter to F4_CALC, and calc_Kohei_SDF_Filter_ui to F4_UI_CALC. Save the file and rebuild the module. This should rebuild the following configuration files (build done on Linux):


One note: the language pack zip package should contain the file named Filter.xcu with the new UI string you just put in. If you don’t see that, remove the whole directory and build the module again.

Now it’s time to update your installation. You need to update the following files:


with the new ones you just rebuilt. Next, unpack the langpack zip file and extract Filter.xcu. Place this file in


to replace the old one.

Ok so far? There is one more thing you need to do to complete the process. Since these configuration files are cached, in order for the updated configuration files to take effect, the cached data must be removed. The cached data is in the user configuration directory, so you need to locate and delete the following directory:

rm -rf <user_config_dir>/user/registry/cache

That’s it! Now, fire up Calc and launch the Export dialog. You see the new file format entry you just put in. :-)

Export dialog with new export filter entry

Just try not to export your file using this new filter for real, because that will utterly fail. ;-)